Frequently Asked Questions
Joining The Network, The Club or DAWA Angels
How Do I Register For More Than One Membership Type?
Great question. To register for Club or Angel status, please select the respective type we will automatically register you for Network Membership. To register for both Angel and Club, please select ANGEL and email us at to indicate your interest. We will add the additional membership on our end. Currently, our registration system does not support multiple selections.
I paid $125 via PayPal. What was that for?
All Angel and Club members must first be NETWORK members and pay NETWORK dues of $125 annually. The dues collected are used to cover operational costs (like the membership management system, the website, filing fees, etc.), to pay for your Better Investing educational resources and to cover the cost of your DAWA Network t-shirt. They will also be used to offset any meeting costs or fees to speakers. Once you registered for the Network, you were sent an invoice for your dues via PayPal and asked to pay online.
Quarterly Club capital contributions are just that: contributions of capital ($$) paid quarterly into the Club investment pot, if you will, that are invested by the Club broker per the democratically derived instructions of the Club. The minimum contribution is $125 per quarter and must be paid via check or money order and mailed to our P.O. Box address. The funds should be received by July 13th, 2016. Those not contributing to Quarter 1 will be removed from the Club roster and wait-listed for the 2nd Club chapter, set to begin operation in October 2016.
Network dues and Club capital contributions are NOT the same.
I Want To Be An Angel, But I Am Not Sure If I Am An Accredited Investor. What Should I Do?
Let us know of your interest anyway. We can walk through the Accredited Investor assessment with you and determine if you qualify.
I Completed My CLUB Registration And Paid My NETWORK Dues. Now What?
Excellent! If you are a Club Member, now is the time to decide how much capital you would like to invest in the first round of Club investing. Remember the minimum amount per quarter is $125. Investing begins this July! If you've already decided what you would like to invest, go ahead and send your capital to our P.O. Box for deposit. When your login is ready, you can check out the Club software and begin connecting with your fellow Club members.
Club Investing: How Will The Club Make Investment Decisions?
The short answer is "democratically." Each quarter, Club members will be allowed and encouraged to present investment opportunities they believe are strong and viable and worth the Club's close attention. The Club member will present the option, according to an agreed upon procedure, and answer questions from the Club members. The Club will then vote on the option and move forward (or not) based upon the vote outcome. This process can happen once or several times a quarter.
Angel Investing: How Does Angel Investing Differ From Club Investing?
Another great question. Angel investing including providing capital support for private companies in their early stages. Club investing, conversely, includes investing in public companies. Within DAWA, Angels must invest at least $5,000 whereas Club members can invest as little as $125 a quarter. Investment decisions for both groups are made by member consensus. Finally, Club investing is done quarterly (four times a year) whereas Angel investing is driven by deal flow - whenever a great investment opportunity presents itself!
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